Monday, August 25, 2008

Summer Goes On...a Little While

Red bell peppers, the inspiration for using red coloring instead of green in my hot pepper jam this year. Breathtaking, aren't they? I also picked eight pounds of jalapenos, but what to do with them all?
My white morning glory blooming quietly.
These fantastic snake gourds have begun to appear along the length of two hundred feet or so of vine. So far, there are only around six of them, but I was beginning to think there would be none! In hope and then growing trepidation, I watched hundreds of flowers bloom and produce nothing and then finally...a few.
Stunning blue-gray leaves of leeks spearing up through the pink impatiens. The bright red stems to the left are Swiss Chard. In the Poetic Eddas, a sword is sometimes called a "leek." My leeks are in semi-shade and not as tall and true as they should be, but the resemblance is still there. Notice that if a leek blade was a sword, it would be fullered. It's interesting that Viking Age swords were fullered blades.

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