Monday, June 16, 2008

Blog Changes

I recently removed Ads by Google. I just couldn't tolerate the poor performance of this service. I spent a morning trying to set up Weblo, which offered me vastly more control over keywords, but, in the end, was defeated by a lack of control over the formatting--I couldn't squeeze it into the column.

Another change I recently made was to add an invisible stats counter to my page and discovered that I receive hits from all over the United States, from California to New York and some in between. I can also see, guessing by the cities, that some of my friends (<3u) are reading regularly! Only one problem; where are your comments!? I see you peeking! Comment, please!

Lastly, I frequently make deletions and additions to my page elements in the right column, my header and footer. Check these out for new stuff.

Thanks, somebodies, for reading. I enjoy blogging, but I like it better knowing I'm making a connection.

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