Wednesday, June 18, 2008

More Mystic Literature

Espousing a philosophy that a Sufi or Taoist would find familiar, Mechthild again from The Flowing Light of the Godhead:

The bride is intoxicated by the sight of His glorious countenance. In her greatest strength she is overcome; in her blindness, she sees most clearly; in her greatest clearness, she is both dead and alive. The richer she becomes, the poorer she is...The more she storms, the more loving God is to her. The higher she soars, the more brightly she shines from the reflection of the Godhead, the nearer she comes to Him. The more she labours, the more sweetly she rests. The more she understands, the less she speaks. The louder she calls, the greater wonders she works with His power and her might. The more God loves her, the more glorious the course of love, the nearer the resting-place, the closer the embrace. The closer the embrace, the sweeter the kiss. The more lovingly they gaze at each other, the more difficult it is to part. The more He gives her, the more she spends, the more she has. The more humbly she takes leave, the sooner she returns. The more the fire burns, the more her light increases. The more love consumes her, the brighter she shines. The vaster God's praise, the vaster her desire for Him.

(note: I changed Menzies punctuation in two places.)

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